About Me

Koo Ping Shung is a renowned author on the subject of "Sun Tzu Art of War" and other related Ancient Chinese Literary Works on Military Strategy and Chinese History. Ping Shung's passion in particular is in the exposition of Practical Business Applications gleaned from his vast and in-depth understanding of the applicability of such Ancient Chinese Literary Works to modern day Businesses, Entrepreneurs & Businessmen, and People in the Corporate Hierarchy. To date, he has written on many topics including Strategy Formulation & Execution, and Corporate Leadership. Read more on Ping Shung's sharings on the Famous Quotes of Sun Tzu by clicking on "Sun Tzu Quotes". He has also been reading about managing personal finance and investments since 2002 He is familiar with the personal finance landscape in Singapore.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Syariah Compliant Funds

Syariah Compliant Funds has been in the radar of most investors since there have been much emphasis on Islamic Finance products. The reason for their popularity is it practice socially responsible investing and the accumulation of wealth of the Middle East, because of the rising oil prices.

Because of its nature, it is found that the risk of investing in them are much lower compared to other normal unit trusts investing in general equities but also due to its nature, it does not have much diversification.

Investors who strongly believe in socially responsible investing and looking to diversify their investment portfolio can consider these syariah compliant funds.

For more information on such funds, please click here.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Taking Housing Loans

Taking Housing Loans is a must especially when we would like to own our dream home. But owning a home can be a nightmare if you do not do proper homework and become burden with housing loans.

Before you go out and look for your new home, you should first look at the available financial resources that you have. You can take the following steps:

1) Assess your financial resources and decide how much you can come up with to service your housing loans per month, assuming you have to service the loan for a period of more than 10-20 years.

2) From that amount that you have come up with, use only 60-90% as a gauge of how much you can really come up with to service your housing loans. For instance, at the end of first step, you calculated that you can service the housing loan with $1000 per month, and assuming you are very risk averse, that means you can only use $600 to service a loan per month.

3) Next go out and have a look at the housing loan packages available that allows you to service it with $600 (from the example) per month. From the housing loan package that you have selected, you can now see how much you can borrow.

4) From how much you can borrow and how much you have set aside for the 20% you need to pay upfront, you can now go out and look for the dream home that would fit that budget.

For more information on housing loans, please click here.