About Me

Koo Ping Shung is a renowned author on the subject of "Sun Tzu Art of War" and other related Ancient Chinese Literary Works on Military Strategy and Chinese History. Ping Shung's passion in particular is in the exposition of Practical Business Applications gleaned from his vast and in-depth understanding of the applicability of such Ancient Chinese Literary Works to modern day Businesses, Entrepreneurs & Businessmen, and People in the Corporate Hierarchy. To date, he has written on many topics including Strategy Formulation & Execution, and Corporate Leadership. Read more on Ping Shung's sharings on the Famous Quotes of Sun Tzu by clicking on "Sun Tzu Quotes". He has also been reading about managing personal finance and investments since 2002 He is familiar with the personal finance landscape in Singapore.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hospitalisation Insurance

It is very unfortunate to be in the hospitalization, especially when you need surgery. Things can be worse when you look at the exorbitant hospitalization bill. It can range from a few thousands to tens of thousand of dollars. Such exorbitant hospitalization fees can be avoided in total if you study and plan your insurance covers.

Health insurance companies have a whole range of hospitalisation insurance which can cover critical illness, accident, surgery and hospitalization. Individuals need to assess their family medical history, their finances and decide how much premium they can afford. And from the premium they can afford to give, shop around to give them the widest coverage and also the highest amount insured.

Nowadays, there are plans that covers deductible as well, if you can afford the premium. So do take some time to look around. If you hired a financial planner, ask for their advice and do take note of how they are 'rewarded' for the advice they give you.

For more information about insurance, please click here.

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